viernes, 29 de febrero de 2008

A pair of blue jean shorts and a sun tan

"You won't believe what a pair of tight blue jean shorts can do" she said, looking at me almost laughing. "Giv'em some sun tanned legs and they go mad..."
-Sorry, looking at me boy? You want a piece of me? Bark puppy, bark...hahahahaha
So predictable, what a pitty...I sighed.
Ok, I never wanted to asume it, but its true; 1000 pesos on a pair of second hand shorts and a couple of sesions at the beach for the tan to prove how predictable male nature is. Within 24 hours at least 3 men made coments on her legs, some wanted to kiss her, another marry her, one actually got some of her in bed...a night of passion, just plain sex. What can I say girl, go and get yourself a pair of blue jean shorts and a sun tan.

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