La gente tiene una necesidad impetuosa de andar definiendo a los pasa a menudo que soy definida como "pesada", "seria", "extraña", "cortante". Supongo que soy asi en un alto grado, al fin y al cabo estas repetidas definiciones se basan en impresiones que causa mi presencia en diferentes contextos. Nunca me he sentido ofendida por estas descripciones vanas de mi persona...cada quien se queda con lo que le parece. Hace un par de dias se sumo otra; "brigida". Obviamente no está la palabra en el diccionario debido a que es una expresion coloquial, asi que tuve que pedir una referencia mas precisa de lo que implica ser "brigida", en mi caso por supuesto. Tiene que ver con no ser tan relajada...supongo que eso se puede traducir en "intensa". Veamos que dice la Real Academia Española:
(De intenso).
1. f. Grado de fuerza con que se manifiesta un agente natural, una magnitud física, una cualidad, una expresión, etc.
2. f. Vehemencia de los afectos del ánimo.
Hmm, interesante...veamos "vehemente"...(que bien rima con "demente"!)
(Del lat. vehĕmens, -entis).
1. adj. Que tiene una fuerza impetuosa. Un discurso vehemente.
2. adj. Ardiente y lleno de pasión.
3. adj. Dicho de una persona: Que obra de forma irreflexiva, dejándose llevar por los impulsos.
Ahhh! Me declaro apasionada e impulsiva desde forever and todas maneras. Si, acepto, soy "brigida"!
domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008
Hip Hop featuring ROCK
Importante hito en la evolución del hiphop fue la experiencia de
Seguidores del rock pesado y el hiphop quedaron perplejos ante esta compbinacion; Anthrax y Public Enemy. Claramente sentaron las bases para el sonido de bandas como Rage Against the Machine y Linkin Park, entre otras.
El rapero californiano Ice -T incursiono en el metal pesado con su banda Body Count...check it out!
Ice-Cube con Korn "Fuck dying"
Onyx feat. Biohazard "Judgement night"
Y finalmente,esto no es rock, pero Mos Def tiene algo que decir con respecto al rock'n'roll y su origen...
RUN DMC featuring Aerosmith
Significó la caída de un montón de prejuicios y estereotipos, abriendo el hiphop a un nuevo público.Seguidores del rock pesado y el hiphop quedaron perplejos ante esta compbinacion; Anthrax y Public Enemy. Claramente sentaron las bases para el sonido de bandas como Rage Against the Machine y Linkin Park, entre otras.
El rapero californiano Ice -T incursiono en el metal pesado con su banda Body Count...check it out!
Ice-Cube con Korn "Fuck dying"
Onyx feat. Biohazard "Judgement night"
Y finalmente,esto no es rock, pero Mos Def tiene algo que decir con respecto al rock'n'roll y su origen...
viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008
Extracto de un diario anónimo...
Vivo en una calle muy transcurrida por escolares, y debido a esto suele suceder que mi puerta se llena de papeles de dulce, aviones de papel, restos de fruta, hojas de cuadernos, cuadernos completos...Por lo general recogo la basura y le dejo en el basurero que hay en el paradero del frente de mi casa. Por lo general.
Hoy encontre este cuaderno tirado en mi ante jardin....lo hojeo; es de matematicas. Al darlo vueltas tiene apuntes de filosofia....y al medio de la nada hay una especie de entrada de un diario de vida.
Algunas frases me llaman la atencion y decido leerla por completo. Con sorpresa noto como grandes rasgos de lo escrito me identifican...:
Hoy encontre este cuaderno tirado en mi ante jardin....lo hojeo; es de matematicas. Al darlo vueltas tiene apuntes de filosofia....y al medio de la nada hay una especie de entrada de un diario de vida.
Algunas frases me llaman la atencion y decido leerla por completo. Con sorpresa noto como grandes rasgos de lo escrito me identifican...:
"Las cosas han cambiado mucho de un tiempo a esta parte (...). Hace algun tiempo atras conoci a X (...) No pense que volveria a encontrarme con el, pero asi fue (...). (...) fue ahi donde nos vimos por segunda vez(...) empezamos a hablar (...) y comenzamos a reir. (...) intercambiamos nrº de telefono y mail y fue por ahi donde empezo todo.
(...) Salimos y caminamos, estaba humedo y hacia frio. (...)Luego llegue a mi casa y pense.
(...) Hace una semana aprox estuvimos juntos, la verdad yo siento que el me gusta, y me gusta de verdad, espero verlo pronto ya que solo hemos hablado por msn, tengo ganas de verlo, no se que me esta pasando...pero tengo muchas ganas de verlo.
Oh! Acaba de temblar."
domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008
Violeta Parra - La Jardinera
Queria publicar "Donde estas prenda querida", pero no la encontre, asi que les dejo esta cancion inspiradora de la grandiosa Violeta....
martes, 19 de agosto de 2008
Ibland ser man inte...
En gammal vän hade delat hus med P under flera år, han var liksom bara där, men inte. Han gick ju på samma universitet som jag. Ja, tänk att vi hade gemensamma bekanta. Så liten världen är, men så stora mellan rum det kan bli...För runt 2 veckor sen "såg" han mej...det var nog när vi hade den där middagen; ett gäng kompisar som lagar mat, dricker vin och röker gott. Sen, antar jag att han blev intreserad när jag kom och köpte magiska svampar av honom. Måste hela tiden trott att det inte var min grej alls.
I fredags var det en fest i det huset, idioten B fyllde å är det fest så är det. Där var P., ordnade svamp dricka och var allmänt trevlig. Värst vad han glor, minns jag att jag tänkte. Han är inte riktigt min stil, men visst skulle han prata och vara fest glad. Han frågade saker hela tiden, skulle veta saker om min vardag, om mej...jag fattade till slut att han var intreserad. Hahaha, seg i huvudet eller!
Mycket sent stod vi i hallen, det var mörkt och tomt, alla var vilda inne i vardagsrummet. Det blev så där speciellt tyst, du vet, som när man inte vet om man ska säja nått, eller göra nått, eller bara stå där, men det kändes bra. Så där pirrigt, som första kyssen, typ.
Vi gick upp på hans rum och låg i hans säng och pratade. Mysigt att bara ligga tätt intil en annan person, titta i ögonen och vara nervös. Inget mer hände. Men det var uppenbart att båda tänkte samma sak hela tiden.
Ett par dagar senare hade han skaffat min mail adress, och ville träffa mej. Ha! Det var länge sen nån gjorde en sån vågad sak...
"Ok, jag åker inte alls ofta in till Santiago, men jag ska slumpvis till doktorn idag. Följ med!"
"Hmm, vet inte, vilken tid, vart?"
Nu blir han nervös och bangar tänkte jag...så typiskt. Men nej, han skulle tydligen ringa en vis tid och visst skulle han träffa mej.
När han kom ner för tunnelbane trappan var jag faktiskt nervös. Hahaha! Sant.
Sen skulle han ha en kyss, ja, han frågade artigt, så old school! Sötast.
Nu finns han, jag ser honom...det blir så, att man plötsligt ser en person man inte sett förr fast man träffats tusen gånger.
Nu finns han mer än massa andra personer, nu ser jag honom klart och tydligt.
domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008
Mos Def on Real Times
I declare myself an admirer of Mos Def, not only as a hiphop artist, writer and actor, but also as a politically active man. Take 10 min to see this vid...
miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008
The simplicity of accepting
He was tall and handsome, of course he knew this, which gave him the confidence enough to be even a bit more attractive. Rather athletic, sharp nose which gave him a prominent profile, small dark eyes, rough hands.
They saw each other rarely, now and then they happened to be at the same social event, this because she was an old acquaintance of his brother.
The first time she remembers to have seen him she was at his brother's house, getting ready to go out and break it down at some city club with friends. He was sitting in the living room, looking interesting in his tiny glasses...they gave him sort of an intellectual look. Didn't pay him too much attention as he was her friends younger brother. Thing is, she found him good looking, and when they met at a party later that night, he wouldn't stop babbling in her ear about things she couldn't mind less about.
Next time she saw him, they were outside a cinema, waiting to see the same movie. Of course she sat next to him, but more to chit chat than anything, the rest of her friends sitting on the row behind. Surprised, he accepted her company. Later that night they danced, had fun...let's say that something happened.
Time went by, every time they met he approached her to say Hi, talk about everything and nothing. They started to talk under other circumstances; phoned a couple of times, messenger...they made an appointment...which finally never was. Once, the opportunity raised to get together at the coast...a friend of his was staying at a beach house. Things were definitely happening on her behalf. So sweet, wasn't he? Straight forward, a gentleman, he made her laugh...but things didn't go as they were supposed to. What went wrong? Thoughts running through her mind at super speed, feelings rushing through her heart in millions. Everything stopped, vanished away in time...she mourned a bit and finally forgot she thought.
Sitting on a bench, talking to her old friend a Friday night in a city club, he popped up. There they were, staring at each other, looking stupidly indifferent. Eagerly, he sat by her and demanded to hear everything she'd done lately. Her heart beating just a little bit faster than usual, she couldn't avoid it. On his invitation they mingled away through the crowd, his arm round her, her arm holding on to his waist...he made her laugh again, dancing, glancing, approaching. That thing happening again, confusing as they weren't going any further with this...
Monday came, so did Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Once again he vanished, away he went into his common, everyday working life. So did she, waking up as usual by 8 o clock, her regular morning cup of tea with milk, smoking cigarettes a bit more than she should, but just enough to calm her anxiety. This tiny heartache reminded her once again about the importance of letting go, that sometimes relationships are all about shallow games, but which at the same time, are truly affectionate...after all, they enjoyed seeing each other when they eventually did, honestly, without promises and unnecessary commitments, and they both probably looked forward to seeing each other again. It's the simplicity of accepting the nature of certain kind of human relations.
They saw each other rarely, now and then they happened to be at the same social event, this because she was an old acquaintance of his brother.
The first time she remembers to have seen him she was at his brother's house, getting ready to go out and break it down at some city club with friends. He was sitting in the living room, looking interesting in his tiny glasses...they gave him sort of an intellectual look. Didn't pay him too much attention as he was her friends younger brother. Thing is, she found him good looking, and when they met at a party later that night, he wouldn't stop babbling in her ear about things she couldn't mind less about.
Next time she saw him, they were outside a cinema, waiting to see the same movie. Of course she sat next to him, but more to chit chat than anything, the rest of her friends sitting on the row behind. Surprised, he accepted her company. Later that night they danced, had fun...let's say that something happened.
Time went by, every time they met he approached her to say Hi, talk about everything and nothing. They started to talk under other circumstances; phoned a couple of times, messenger...they made an appointment...which finally never was. Once, the opportunity raised to get together at the coast...a friend of his was staying at a beach house. Things were definitely happening on her behalf. So sweet, wasn't he? Straight forward, a gentleman, he made her laugh...but things didn't go as they were supposed to. What went wrong? Thoughts running through her mind at super speed, feelings rushing through her heart in millions. Everything stopped, vanished away in time...she mourned a bit and finally forgot she thought.
Sitting on a bench, talking to her old friend a Friday night in a city club, he popped up. There they were, staring at each other, looking stupidly indifferent. Eagerly, he sat by her and demanded to hear everything she'd done lately. Her heart beating just a little bit faster than usual, she couldn't avoid it. On his invitation they mingled away through the crowd, his arm round her, her arm holding on to his waist...he made her laugh again, dancing, glancing, approaching. That thing happening again, confusing as they weren't going any further with this...
Monday came, so did Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Once again he vanished, away he went into his common, everyday working life. So did she, waking up as usual by 8 o clock, her regular morning cup of tea with milk, smoking cigarettes a bit more than she should, but just enough to calm her anxiety. This tiny heartache reminded her once again about the importance of letting go, that sometimes relationships are all about shallow games, but which at the same time, are truly affectionate...after all, they enjoyed seeing each other when they eventually did, honestly, without promises and unnecessary commitments, and they both probably looked forward to seeing each other again. It's the simplicity of accepting the nature of certain kind of human relations.
lunes, 4 de agosto de 2008
La Batalla de Maipu
Gimnasio Santiago Bueras Av. 5 de Abril
Inscripciones a
Bboys: Las primeras 16 crews que envíen los datos serán inscritas. La primera ronda consistirá en coreografías de máximo 3 min. Los grupos inscritos deben llegar a las 11:00 si quieren probar el escenario de lo contrario a las 14:00. En la segunda ronda las 8 mejores coreografía se enfrentaran en batallas. Las crew deben estar formadas por con un máximo de 6 integrantes y un mínimo de 4.
Premio: un equipo de sonido más premio sorpresa en $
Bgirls: Las primeras 8 inscritas se enfrentaran en un circulo unico, y se iran eliminado por ronda.
Premio: Ropa
Poppers y Lockers: atentos a las bases de competencias de funkystyles
Entrada gratuita
domingo, 3 de agosto de 2008
VI Encuentro cultural Hip - Hop de Recoleta
Evento a realizar el dia Sabado 16 de Agosto desde las 14:00pm hasta las 21:00pm.
• Graffiti en vivo
• Graffiti en vivo
• DJ's toda la jornada
• Grupos y solistas invitados
• Pantalla gigante historia del Hip Hop en Chile
Gimnasio Municipal de Recoleta Nº 3005 Metro Dorsal
• Valor $ 1000
Gimnasio Municipal de Recoleta Nº 3005 Metro Dorsal
• Valor $ 1000
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